KBS Tennis Club offers regular competition throughout the year for players of all abilities. This means our members are able to put their tennis to the test and get involved in friendly competition between other members as well as other clubs.

Singles Ladders
The Club organises intermittent singles ladders through the 'TennisRungs' app. This allows members to compete against each other in singles matches. We have recently launched our Winter Ladders for both men and women. If you wish to join the ladder, please email Andy Dance (ajdwaterservicesltd@btinternet.com) or Justine Cardy (justine@gardengames.co.uk).
Oxfordshire Babolat League
KBS Tennis Club enters several teams in both the Winter and Summer Oxfordshire Babolat Leagues. This sees team players competing against other clubs in doubles matches. We currently have 9 teams competing in the Babolat League. These Include:
Men's A, B and C (competing at weekends)
Women's A and B (competing at weekends)
Men's Midweek (competing on Wednesdays/Thursdays)
Women's Midweek (competing on Wednesdays/Thursdays)
Mixed Midweek (competing on Wednesdays)
If you would like to get involved in our teams or find out more, please email Justine Cardy, our match secretary, at kbstennisclubmatchsec@gmail.com.
Annual Club Championships
The Club hosts an annual internal club tournament where members take on other members in various categories. This culminates in a celebration of the tennis at our Club on Finals Day where the final matches are played.